Waitomo Adventures - Lost World Tour - 4 hrs

Deals from $372.00 Save $203.00 Check datescalendar_month
This dry caving adventure while surprisingly gentle is an elating experience not to be missed! Just ask Tom Cruise - he's done it 4 times!

This dry caving adventure while surprisingly gentle is an elating experience not to be missed! Just ask Tom Cruise - he's done it 4 times!


  • New Zealand’s largest and arguably most breathtaking commercial cave
  • The unforgettable 100m abseil – the world’s highest commercial abseil into a cave
  • Beautiful glow worm display
  • 30m ladder climb out of the cave system
  • Small tour numbers, max 8 persons 1:4 guide to client ratio
  • Free personalised photos

Your journey to another world begins with an abseil 100m below the earth's surface secured by your guide who descends alongside you.

Slowly you lower into the void, turning on the rope like a spider as the world transforms around you. The light filtering through the mist gives unearthly qualities to the unusual plant life and formations of the cave.

The cavern you have abseiled (rappelled) into is over twice the height of any other cave in Waitomo and it's beauty and grandeur are unsurpassed.

From here you embark on a subterranean adventure back to the surface through another giant cavern. You'll see glow worms, huge limestone formations and conquer a 30-metre long ladder climb.

Waitomo Adventures are a consistent Certificate of Excellence Winner with Trip Advisor and are ranked the number 1 attraction in the area with a 5-star rating - Come and see for yourself why this is a must-do attraction in an experience that will remain with you forever.

Photography: Personalised photos are provided to clients via the internet at no extra charge. No client photography equipment is permitted. Please inquire if you require a private photography tour.

Location: 1227 Waitomo Valley Road, Waitomo

Fitness Test:If the guide(s) on the day have any doubt about a client’s fitness they may ask them to prove it by completing a fitness-test. One quick and simple test we may use is “to step up and down a 20 cm (8 inches) step not less than 45 times in 60 seconds”. We strongly recommend clients complete this test before they book their activity and before they travel to Waitomo. Clients may also be requested to submit to breath-testing for alcohol or other drugs. Where appropriate, guides may at their sole discretion cancel a departure or remove an unsuitable client from a departing trip for any safety-related reason.

Pregnancy: We do not recommend abseiling (rappelling) during the 1st and 3rd trimester due to the need to wear a tight-fitting harness across your waist during the abseil.

All pregnant clients wishing to participate in one of our adventure options must provide a medical certificate from their General Medical Practitioner confirming that they are fit for abseiling (rappelling) and caving.

This policy is required for us to comply with the NZ Adventure Safety Regulations.

Per Person $575.00 (Min age 10 years - please see age restrictions below)

What's included

  • Boots, overalls and specialist caving gear.


  • Allow approximately 4 hours for the whole experience


  • 1227 Waitomo Valley Road
  • Waitomo


  • Important: Discount bookings cancelled by you the customer are strictly non-refundable. Discount bookings cancelled well in advance (48hrs+) may at the operator's sole discretion be eligible for a return voucher to enjoy the activity at another date.

    Minimum Age:10 Years. All children under 15 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian or mature adult known to the child and aged 18 years and older.

  • What to bring: Please wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing (Jeans not advised due to being potentially restricting) and thick socks that cover the ankle.

Available Bookings from 13 Mar to 26 Mar 2025

All prices are shown in NZD ($)

Change Dates
Thu 13 Mar
Fri 14 Mar
Sat 15 Mar
Sun 16 Mar
Mon 17 Mar
Tue 18 Mar
Wed 19 Mar
Thu 20 Mar
Fri 21 Mar
Sat 22 Mar
Sun 23 Mar
Mon 24 Mar
Tue 25 Mar
Wed 26 Mar

Bookings close in 5 hours...

  • Per Person$372.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$428.00

  • Per Person$429.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$429.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$428.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$428.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$428.00

  • Per Person$429.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$428.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$429.00 Less than 6 at this price!
Truly a lost World !!! Great adventure Exhilerating and accessible!! Just hanging !!!! Lost World Glow Worms Abseiling
1 / 76
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Authenticated Reviews & Photos All of our reviews are from people who have booked and paid for this activity thru Bookme


443 reviews

Showing all 443 authenticated Bookme reviews

Katharina Blank from Germany wrote on 14 November 2020


Die Lost World tour ist einfach wunderschön. Das abseilen ist ein echtes Abenteuer.

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Norman from Germany wrote on 13 January 2020


Unser Guide war super ?? wir hatten Glück und es wurde nicht öfter gebucht so das wir inklusive Guide nur 3 Personen waren ! Demnach hat er sich echt Zeit für uns genommen und wir konnten unglaublich tolle Bilder machen ? diese Tour ist wärmstes zu empfehlen da man definitiv über sich hi aus wächst beim abseilen und nochmal wenn man eine 30 m hohe Leiter wieder aufsteigen muss (das war nochmal richtig Nervenkitzel den wir aber mega genossen haben .Die 4 std tour ist ein Muss für alle die einen kurzen intensiven Nervenkitzel haben wollen ?

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falkv from Germany wrote on 29 April 2019

Nun verstehe ich Tom Cruse

Es gibt kein Bier und kein Pub am Ende der 100m Abwärts. Was es stattdessen gibt, ist ein atemberaubendes Erlebnis Was seines Gleichen sucht. Die Guides sind nicht nur aufgeschlossen und Bewandert, sondern auch zu 100% professionell unterwegs. Die Luft und die visuellen Eindrücke auf der Tour waren für mich einmalig. Mit gutem Gewissen kann ich jeden, (Jedem! - unabhängig vom Alter oder Ängsten) die Tour empfehlen. Schön, dass es sowas gibt! Danke und 5*

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danielb32 from Germany wrote on 04 April 2019

Abseiling Waitomo

Wahnsinn wie hoch doch 100m sind!!! Atemberaubender Ausblick sowohl von oben als auch von unten. Unser Guide „Ian“ war großartig. Er hat uns vieles über die Geschichte Neuseelands erzählt und auch die Tierwelt in der Höhle näher gebracht inkl. langem „im Dunkeln“ bei tausenden Glowworms. Wir waren auf die Minute 4h unterwegs. Ich würde es wieder machen, dann vielleicht sogar die 7h Tour.

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Michael from Germany wrote on 04 March 2019

Atemberaubendes Erlebnis?

Hey, ich kann nur jedem dieses Erlebnis empfehlen. Die Guids waren sehr sehr nett und kompetent. Es gibt immer was zu lachen?. Die Ausrüstung ist gepflegt und man fühlt sich gut gesichert. Der Blick in die Höhle beim abseilen ist unvergesslich. Und die Wanderung in die Höhle hinein hat ihren eigenen Flair. Würde es sofort wieder machen. Vielen vielen Dank nochmal an die Guids.

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10:00 a.m.Thursday 13 July


Per Person Min age 10 years - please see age restrictions below

*This option must be made together with another price type.


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