Explore the raw beauty of the world's youngest geothermal site on a self-guided, ecology-focused adventure among the craters of the spectacular Waimangu Volcanic Valley.
Explore the raw beauty of the world's youngest geothermal site on a self-guided, ecology-focused adventure among the craters of the spectacular Waimangu Volcanic Valley.
This exciting geothermal attraction has a very unique ecology with rare botany and plenty of fascinating geothermal features to explore.
See the Hypnotic steam rising from the Echo Crater, marvel at the stunning Frying Pan Lake (the world's largest hot water spring), and take in the beauty and dazzling blue of the Inferno Crater hot lake. The newly forming silica terraces are also a highlight not to be missed.
Waimagu Volcanic Valley is a protected scenic reserve and includes the beautiful Lake Rotomahana. The entire valley is shrouded in pristine native forest providing sanctuary for a wide variety of New Zealand birdlife.
At any stage during your walk, you can jump on board a courtesy shuttle which regularly circles the valley back to the Waimangu Visitor Centre.
There are a range of walking options for all abilities and ambitions including:
Easy Walking
A range of easy, mainly downhill walkways through pristine native bush, teeming with spectacular birdlife and geothermal highlights. Encounter hot pools, steaming volcanic craters, newly forming silica terraces, rare geothermal plants and the multi-coloured rocks of this mysterious and beautiful valley.
Mt Haszard Hiking Trail
If your looking for a bit more of an expedition opt for an invigorating hike along the Mt Haszard Hiking Trail taking you high above the valley floor with superb panoramic views of the unique landscape.
Beginning at the inferno crater the Mt Haszard trail follows parts of the original Waimangu walking route from the early 1900's when visitors came to view the Waimangu Geyser erupting.
Waimangu Volcanic Valley is just 20 minutes South of Rotorua or 40 minutes North of Taupo.
Click here for the Full Day Experience including Lake Rotomahana Cruise
All prices are shown in NZD ($)
화산지대를 방문해서 유황도 보고 펄펄 끓는 분출수도 보고, 호기심에 옆으로 흐르는 가는 물에 손을 살짝 담갔다가 '앗!! 뜨거!!', 지나가던 분이 아침에 와서 커피넣고 아래에 컵 놓아두면 한잔의 커피를 즐길 수 있다고 농담도 하고 가신다. 새로운 뉴질랜드를 본 기분이다. 너무 즐겁고 황홀한 광경이였다
Really enjoyed it. Our mobility is restricted so we were pleased to see the walk was divided into 3 section and there were 3 bus stops . We sonly walked the 1.5km to the first busstop, then hopped on the bus for the rest of tje way. The walking path was good and mostly downhill for the bit we did, but there are several steep bits where we had to take our time. Was seating along the way and information boards which along with information on yoir map, gave plenty of information. The sights were amazing, and i think the first section would have been the best.. woild definitely visit again to do the other parts and the lake cruise. Well worth a visit.
My family from the States was visiting, and we took this hike to see all the thermal activity. Waimangu Valley did not disappoint. The blue lake was stunning, and the bush and bubbling brooks and steam were fascinating. It was a great walk down, with a bus back up (thankfully). I would recommend. No big geysers but affordable thermal action and a great hike.
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beluga from South Korea wrote on 06 May 2024
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